A Travellerspoint blog

By this Author: PaulTodd



We crossed into Mexico without incident at Tijuana after we finished up with our errands in San Diego. We ended up with a couple of new boards (6’8” fish for Paul and a 7’2” hybrid for Susan) to fill the Thule box along with a handful of other stuff that is easier to obtain north of the border. We stayed the night just south of Ensenada before trucking all the way to my favorite point break about 500 kms south. The surf was decent on arrival though it deteriorated rapidly and we weathered a day or two of bocce ball on the beach along with a few Pacifico Ballenas (1 litter beers) until it cleared up and the waves started breaking in our favor. Leaving the Pacific would have been a lot harder if my shoulders weren’t completely worn out from paddling, so we drove to the inside of the peninsula to do some snorkeling and fishing.
We stayed at a somewhat isolated free camp site on the Sea of Cortes for about a week. The snorkelling and fishing were very relaxing. Susie got a nice sunburn and Paul got to take the speargun out for a spin. Now we are at a cheap, cavernous hotel in La Paz with ferry tickets and vehicle importation for the mainland. The plan is to head up the coast for a bit more relaxing on the beach before heading over on the ferry just before Christmas.
Here are some photos from the last few weeks on beautiful Baja.












Posted by PaulTodd 19:44 Archived in Mexico Comments (0)

Photos of the Northern most leg of the trip

all seasons in one day -27 °C

Hi All.

We ran into some problems in Whitehorse with a card I was using in my camera. This resulted in loosing all the photos and videos we had taken from Vancouver Island to Dease Lake. Not a worry though we have fixed the problem and here are some pictures from the northern leg of our trip.


If you want captions and titles view them in the my photo gallery.

Posted by PaulTodd 21:12 Archived in Canada Comments (0)

New Ride. Trooper!

Trying to get an 1700$ SUV as ready for the trip as possible in 12 days.

Ok. So this is my first post on this blog thingy that Susan has set up. I guess its my turn to let you few people know what is going on with the preparation for our trip. Right off the top I am not as wordy or i guess literate as Susan so please bear with me. I am the one who fixes the truck and surfs and Susan is the brains who can speak other languages and things.

Together we bought a 1989 Isuzu trooper a short while ago. Yes its legal drinking age in the states. It is a pretty sweet mix of: size (big enough to sleep in), fuel efficiency(2.6L 4 banger), Off road cabability (4H/4L and clearence), Simple enough to work on (its a 1989), and low key looks (so not to draw attention and get us robbed).

The trooper

The trooper

So yeah it should do just about everything we need it to do on the trip. Parts for it might be the only wild card so I plan on taking just about every thing that is likely to fail. The Trooper we bought came with four boxes of spare parts from another trooper so to say the least we will be rolling around with more parts than most people on a similar trip and of course all the the tools to deal with troubles. The best thing about taking lots of spare parts is that if you have it in your kit it will never break. I guess its Murphy's law.

I don't have much more to say, so I thought I would include the ever growing list of things that have to get done before the trip starts. This is just the start. The list in the back of my mind is at least 5 times longer.

Here it is:

Pan America Trip

-timing belt(done)
-exhaust(see if it will hang on till mex cheaper)..... (It did not hang on in fact it fell off in my hands.... Fixed)
-alternator/starter/water pump(done spares packed)
-hoses(done)/belts(done)/plugs (done)/filters/dis cap|(done)/wires(done)
-tires (DONE! 235/75/r15 goodyear wrangler territories on sale at can tire woot woot)
-driving lights Done
-heater Core (Done)
-hidden kill switch

-bed platform/mattress (just about done)
-Cb install(not doing)
-curtains/bug screens(done yay susan)

-Roof rack spare tire/Jerry cans(Done)
-lock boxes (ammo boxes?)
-surf board box/Thule (Done 90$ on craigslist)
-roof rack for long boards (done)
-kitchen boxes redesigns(done)

Camp stuff
-not shitty chairs
-water jugs (done)
-cooler different size (done)
-Travel Backgammon game!!(done)

-first aid kit(done)

-International driver licences(done)
-medical insurance(done)
-Mexican car insurance(get in san diego)

There you have it. That is what I am planing on doing for the next 12 days while Susan is visiting family out east. Wish me luck.

Posted by PaulTodd 00:13 Archived in Canada Comments (3)

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